Was für ein Nikolausgeschenk! Super Blast II von Phantoom Entertainment ist heute für 79 Cent im Apple AppStore für iPhone & iPod Touch erschienen. Das im Vergleich zum Vorgänger deutlich umfangreichere Spiel, wurde klanglich von IMAscore untermalt. Sechs verschiedene Musikwerke, angepasst an die jeweilige Welt, sowie druckvolle Sounds unterstützen das actionreiche Gameplay.
Das sagt die Presse zur Musik und dem Sound:
GamePro: “…ähnliches gilt für den Sound: dröhnendes Waffenfeuer wird untermalt von einem herrlichen Soundtrack, der mit teils epischen, teils fetzigen Rhythmen, Chorgesängen, Gitarren- oder Klavierpassagen bestens unterhält.”
Pixeljumpers: “Super Blast 2 has one of the most catchy tunes I have ever heard. A blend of classical music and techno music made into something that truly gets you into the mood. You’ll be thinking of the tune well after your session with the game ends and you’ll be yearning to get back into it, if only to hear the music once again.”
Mobiletechreview: “Sound tracks go very well with this futuristic looking space shooter. Fast paced music spiked with metal and techno sounding FX and voice-over helps generate even more the atmosphere of flying fast in space while blasting out some hyper realistic space robots. Each weapon has its own sound bites, making the gameplay more interesting.” Sound Rating: 5/5
AppTick “Die Grafiken sind schön gestaltet und der Sound ist auch super.
RipTen: “The thing I like the most about this game is the sound. Phantoom Entertainment really nailed the classic over-the-top sound effects. Metallic clanks, rumbling explosions, and screaming lasers all combine into a cacophony of beautiful sounds.”
appadvice: “There is a deluxe soundtrack to go with the blasting action.”
148apps: “I love the sound (the sound really is amazing)”
iPhoneAlley: “As soon as you open up the game, you’ll notice the crisp graphics and its soothing background music which carries onto the game in the form of an enticing more intense soundtrack.”
iPhonecation: “…the music is the best because it keeps the tension of the action at all times…”
tapscape: “Sound effects and music nicely done as well, with electronic techno beats, electric zaps, and big explosions providing effective ambiance.”
Hier geht’s zum Game im AppStore: Super Blast 2
What a present for St Nicholas’ Day! Super Blast II by Phantoom Entertainment has been released today in Apple’s AppStore for iPhone & iPod Touch. It only costs € 0,79 and is way larger than it’s forerunner. IMAscore composed it’s soundtrack, which consists of six different themes and produced it’s sound design, too. Become addicted to the action-packed gameplay and listen to the sound of IMAscore!
Some quotes from the press about the music & sound:
Mobiletechreview: “Sound tracks go very well with this futuristic looking space shooter. Fast paced music spiked with metal and techno sounding FX and voice-over helps generate even more the atmosphere of flying fast in space while blasting out some hyper realistic space robots. Each weapon has its own sound bites, making the gameplay more interesting.” Sound Rating: 5/5
RipTen:“The thing I like the most about this game is the sound. Phantoom Entertainment really nailed the classic over-the-top sound effects. Metallic clanks, rumbling explosions, and screaming lasers all combine into a cacophony of beautiful sounds.”
148apps: “I love the sound (the sound really is amazing)”
iPhonecation: “…the music is the best because it keeps the tension of the action at all times…”
– Get the Game here in the AppStore: Super Blast 2