[:en] Andreas Kübler and Sebastian Kübler were nominated for the European Talent Award! Both composers of IMAscore are very happy about the nomination. The assignment of the international competition was to compose new score and produce new sound design for the 9-minute long animated filmlet „Monsieur Noir and the monsters from the basement“ by Jan-Peter Meier.
At this point, we would like to show you a short clip of the entry, that led to the nomination.
The European Talent Award has a long tradition and was assigned to the best budding composers and sound designers for the first time in 2004. On the 5th of November 2011, in the course of Soundtrack Cologne 8.0, the entries of all the nominees will be screened.[:de]
Der European Talent Award hat eine lange Tradition und wird seit 2004 an die besten Nachwuchskomponisten und Sound Designer verliehen. Am 05. November dieses Jahres findet schließlich das große Screening der Beiträge aller Nominierten im Zuge der Soundtrack Cologne 8.0 statt.