IMAscore produces soundtrack for Bobbejaanland’s “Land of Legends”

IMAscore produces the soundtrack for Bobbejaanland’s new theme area “Land of Legends”. Besides recent audio productions for Halloween mazes 2017 and 2018, this is the first big collaboration between the park and IMAscore and the team is excited to be a part of this amazing project.

The new main attraction will be the new Triple Launch Coaster “Fury”, but the already existing rides, the Gerstlauer Euro-Fighter Typhoon and the Huss Giant Frisbee Sledgehammer, will also become a part of the area and its story about the “Guardian of Elements” and the four realms. On top of that, Bobbejaanland will also open a new water play area.

“Land of Legends” is scheduled to open in June 2019.

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